OpenEvidence to Become a Mayo Clinic Platform Accelerate Company
OpenEvidence, an AI company pursuing foundational work in aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) to the medical domain, announced today it is to become a Mayo Clinic Platform Accelerate company. As part of Mayo Clinic Platform Accelerate, OpenEvidence will collaborate with Mayo Clinic Platform to improve how health care information is structured and discovered. OpenEvidence is led by Dr. Daniel Nadler, a Harvard PhD who previously founded and sold Kensho Technologies (which, in 2018, was acquired in the largest AI deal in history, at the time).
"Too often, AI is developed far removed from the people who will ultimately use it. Gaining hands-on experience with the pain points of the modern clinical workflow will be instrumental in allowing OpenEvidence to better fulfill its mission of aligning AI to the medical domain. The only way to revolutionize healthcare is by fostering direct collaboration between clinical professionals and technology companies" says Dr. Daniel Nadler, Founder of OpenEvidence. "The Mayo Clinic transcends the notion of a mere ‘clinic.’ It is a century-old system of values for how to best incubate and innovate clinical care. These values would be as at home in Silicon Valley today as they were in Rochester Minnesota a century ago.”
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About OpenEvidence
OpenEvidence is pursuing foundational work in aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) to the medical domain. By analyzing medical text and extracting biomedical entities and relations from the entire history of published medical science, OpenEvidence can facilitate better real-world, evidence-based clinical decision support and medical knowledge synthesis. In so doing, OpenEvidence is fulfilling its mission of organizing the world’s medical knowledge and making it more useful.
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James Esdaile, VP, Research,
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