The leading AI-powered medical information platform.

Mayo Clinic Platform

Launched during the Mayo Clinic Platform Accelerate program

Featured by the New England Journal of Medicine AI

Our mission is to organize the world’s medical knowledge and make it more useful, open, accessible, and understandable.

OpenEvidence is what we always imagined when we used to talk about someone finally solving medical search.

Information overload is an extreme challenge in medicine.

The amount of medical research published annually is doubling every 5 years.[1] Such a rate of change makes it nearly impossible for the world’s physicians, medical researchers, and healthcare professionals to monitor and understand all the latest research literature and clinical evidence relevant to their work.

To tame the medical information firehose, we built OpenEvidence, an artificial intelligence system to aggregate, synthesize, and visualize clinically relevant evidence in understandable, accessible formats that can be used to make more evidenced-based decisions and improve patient outcomes.


Daniel Nadler

PhD, Harvard

Founded Kensho Technologies, the most valuable AI acquisition in history (beating the previous record held by DeepMind)

Zachary Ziegler

PhD Candidate, Harvard

Worked with Alexander Rush

Jonas Wulff

Post-Doc, MIT

PhD, MPI for Intelligent Systems

Worked with Antonio Torralba

Micah Smith


Worked with Kalyan Veeramachaneni

Evan Hernandez


Worked with Jacob Andreas

Eric Lehman


Worked with Peter Szolovits

Jessica Xu


Worked with Stephen L. Buchwald and Klavs F. Jensen

Fernanda Ferreira

PhD, Harvard

James Esdaile

PhD, Harvard

Formerly @ Kensho Technologies

Helena Hu

PhD Candidate, MIT

Working with Ed Boyden

Federico Bianchi

Post-Doc, Stanford

PhD, University of Milano-Bicocca

Worked with Dan Jurafsky and James Zou

Andy Yoon

BS, Computer Science, UCLA

Nicole Liang

MEng, Computer Science, Cornell Tech

Ethan Joseph

MEng, Computer Science, Cornell Tech

Jagath Jai Kumar

MS, Computer Science, UMass Amherst

Formerly @ Google

Oliver Ren

MEng, Computer Science, MIT

Stephen Polcyn

BSE, Computer Science, Princeton

Varun Mangalick

BS, Computer Science and Mathematics, MIT

Formerly @ Jane Street

Robert McKenzie

BA, Statistics, Harvard

Medical Advisors

Ram Dandillaya, MD

Clinical Chief, Cardiology, Cedars-Sinai

Antonio J. Forte, MD, PhD

Faculty, Mayo Clinic

Vice Chair for Research, Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic

Michael Sughrue, MD

MD, Columbia

3000+ brain surgeries performed

Travis Zack, MD, PhD

Oncology Faculty, UCSF

MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School

John J. Lee, MD

Faculty, Harvard Medical School

Cindy Lin, MD

Faculty, UW Medicine

MD, Harvard Medical School

Samuel Finlayson, MD, PhD

MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School

Leonard Calabrese, DO

Vice Chair, Department of Rheumatic and Immunologic Diseases, Cleveland Clinic

Aneesh Singhal, MD

Vice Chair, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital


In Memoriam: Daniel Kahneman, PhD

Nobel Prize Laureate

Professor Emeritus, Princeton

Author of Thinking, Fast and Slow

Alexander Rush, PhD

Computer Science Faculty, Cornell

Former Computer Science Faculty, Harvard

Post-Doc, FAIR; Worked with Yann LeCunn


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OpenEvidence is an experimental technology demonstrator. OpenEvidence does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. User questions and other inputs on OpenEvidence are not covered by HIPAA. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure questions do not contain protected health information (PHI) or any information that violates the privacy of any person.